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eLearning | Computer Based Training | Systems Simulation

Basic Hydraulic Principles > Pascal's Law

Pascal's Law (from Blaise Pascal 1623 to 1662), comprises a set of principles that he formulated in 1648. Pascal's Law is defined as:

A change (or changes) in pressure at any point in an enclosed fluid at rest is (are) transmitted undiminished to all points in the fluid.

In other words, the principles state that pressure applied to a confined fluid at any point is transmitted undiminished throughout the fluid in all directions and acts upon every part of the confining vessel at right angles to its interior surfaces and equally upon equal areas. This is the basic principle behind any hydraulic system, that pressure applied anywhere to a body of fluid causes a force to be transmitted equally in all directions, with the force acting at right angles to any surface in contact with the fluid.

Pascal's Law is explained in detail in the video below:

Hydraulic fluid in a container demonstrating Pascal's Law

This simple yet effective interactive demonstration of hydraulic fluid in a container is part of our instructor pack for basic hydraulic principles, available for use in schools and colleges.

Using the buttons on screen, instructors can apply pressure to the fluid and show how the force is transmitted equally in all directions.



The CBT for Pascal's Law is part of our CBT instructor pack for Basic Hydraulic Principles, which can be purchased now for delivery within 48 hours! Simply contact us!.